The Back Care For Life program is all about giving you the
tools to regain your comfort in your own skin.
It meets twice a week for six weeks. If you have postural imbalances which are causing back or neck pain,
we’ll find them and you’ll learn how to correct them. If your exercise program isn’t addressing
movements to actively and safely load and unload your spine, you’ll learn which
movements to include. Movement is medicine! And I'll provide thorough
coverage of stretching, stability, and balance exercises, with homework handouts.
The comprehensive Back Care For Life program features a
before-and-after postural assessment, so you can see documented progress over
the course of the six-week program. I
can also modify exercises as appropriate in the event you have osteoporosis or
a diagnosed back or neck injury, or other joint problem.
Not a Landings Club member? Interested in attending the program in Savannah? Let's get a minimum of six individuals registered for the program and we'll find a satellite location to hold the program... Strong Gym, for instance. Email me to register.
More Self Improvement -- Here is a link for an excellent top 10 list for strengthening your resolve, to make your health and the health of the people whose lives you touch a top priority for 2012 and beyond:
When I have previously inserted other author's blog posts in this space, it has caused confusion and led some readers to believe that I wrote the article.
So I am going to try to be more consistent about posting the link instead. I had been copying and pasting just the text of other blogs in order to save you from some of the advertising the blogs feature. Often, I will agree with the content of a blog article but I don't wish to be seen as endorsing the products being advertised.
So please don't assume that I am the author of content of the link above. Nor should you assume that I endorse or approve of the advertising. If you want to know whether I approve of a certain product, ask me:-)
I am counting on you, dear reader, to be media savvy.
OK, now you are all revolutionaries -- or health and fitness freedom-fighters, if you will. Right?
Be Well!
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