Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cholesterol Lowering Options

You can take a statin medication.  Doctors have even begun prescribing them, and their patients (some of my clients included) have begun taking them, to prevent a rise in overall blood cholesterol levels where one does not currently exist.

I don't think this is such a great idea.  But I'm a fitness professional.  I believe in lifestyle change prior to trying prescription medications for chronic lifestyle related conditions.  With consistent healthy eating and healthy movement, most can keep their cholesterol in balance most of the time.  Not true for all, but certainly most.  The same could be said for high blood pressure, type II diabetes, back pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, and so on.  Is it easier to swallow a pill?  Sure it is.  It is not easier to live with the side effects of a pill, unless you keep blinders on and ignore the tangible and intangible effects you suffer.  So be it.

If you are willing to take better care of yourself inside and out, if you want to feel better AND have better blood lipid profiles AND enjoy the positive side effects of healthy eating and healthy movement, read on.  Here is a link to some research recently reported in the Washington Post about the benefits of adding cholesterol lowering foods to your diet:

Be Well!  It's kind of up to you...

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