Monday, November 25, 2013

To Run Better, You Need Something More

The early-bird deal -- and let's face it, this is the season for deals -- expires on November 29.

The Custom Fit Peak Running Challenge is a 6 week program. So what's it about, you ask?

It's about running faster. You want to run faster?  You've got to run better.  And to run better, you need something besides more running.

It's about getting in touch with your muscle balance. You have a dominant side... everyone has a dominant side... but it may be pulling you out of alignment and increasing your risk of injury when you run and train. We can assess that and help you correct it.

It's about improving your posture and breathing.  Better posture and breathing leads to more muscular energy, and less muscle tension and fatigue when you run.

It's about stabilizing areas which need stability, and mobilizing areas which need flexibility. For instance, core stability combined with shoulder, hip, and ankle mobility enhance your running performance. You will feel better while running and recover faster from intense running efforts.

It's about strength. Aging is inexorably linked to an overall loss of muscle mass. Endurance activities, like running, do not prevent this muscle loss. Strength training builds muscle. In addition, speed requires power and power requires strength. You can run faster with more muscle.

Here again are the key details:
  • Early Bird Registration: November 14-November 29      $175.00
  • General Registration: November 30 - December 11         $189.00
  • FMS Screening: December 12, 13 (times TBA)
  • First Group Workout: Saturday, December 14, 7:30am SHARP
  • Group Workouts: Saturdays 7:30am and Tuesdays 6:30am (this is subject to change, based on consensus of group) 
To register now, click * here * (open the "events" tab).   Got questions?  Email Nancy ( or Jane ( Or, if you prefer, pick up the phone.  Talk to Jane at 912-247-9500 or Nancy at 912-441-4891.

Be Well!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

So wait, did I tell you about the time...?

So we, my client and I, are standing in the weight room going over the finer points of a stretch. And a physical therapist who is walking by spots us, or me rather, and says, "Can I ask you something about running? Because I know you run a lot. So I'm having trouble with shin splints...." 

Continuing on in the middle of what is obviously my client's training session, he elaborates on the circumstances of his shin splints and asks if I have any treatment tips. My client nods for me to go ahead. So I tell him to ice them after a run, to stretch his calves well daily, and to strengthen his anterior tibialis to balance the posterior strength in his calves.  

And he strolls away with a hearty, "Thanks!" 

And my client and I stand there looking at each other with our mouths hanging open. So I say, "Did that just happen?" And she says, "Shouldn't he know that?" And I say, "Well, yeah, he should." And she says, "That was weird." And I say, "Well, yeah, it was."

I saw him in the parking lot a few weeks later and asked how his shins were feeling.  He said he was doing the exercises and the shins were much better. Isn't that great?

Be Well!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Time to Run Better

There is nothing like a big ol' race to set you to reflecting upon what motivates you.

The Savannah Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon came (after 20 weeks of training, thank you very much) and went last weekend.  It was a terrific day for all our trainees, who completed the marathon and half marathon races with flying colors and huge smiles!  I finished with a time which made me very happy, because I felt very good and strong and light on my feet most of the half marathon distance. And it made me feel like I could have pushed myself faster. I think I would prefer that my next racing challenge, instead of a return to the marathon distance, be a finish time closer to my PR. I don't expect to meet or break my best half marathon time, over a decade after setting it, 20 minutes under my current happy pace. But I know I can knock 10 or 15 minutes off my current pace. I even know HOW I can knock that time down :-)

And I've been hearing from all these other runners around me that they'd like to learn how to get faster and more efficient at their running.

So with no further ado I present to you, The Peak Running (PR) Challenge!

CustomFit Peak Running ("PR")Challenge

Now that the Rock 'n' Roll is complete, have you found yourself wondering "what now…???"  Do you catch yourself asking whether you could run a bit faster?  A bit better?  Well, we have the answer:  CustomFit's Peak Running Challenge ("PR" Challenge)CustomFit has the distinct honor of partnering with Jane Ogle (“Hurricane Jane”) to bring you this program, which is specifically designed for those of you who are currently running but seek more.  Perhaps set a “PR”??  Whatever your goal, we have the road map to help you.

In order to run "better" we must move better, which means improving core strength, balance, mobility, stability, and coordination.  Each participant will receive an individualized program based on the FMS (Functional Movement Screen).  Each week we will cover drills and exercises designed to improve each component of your running.  We will pair you up with a Buddy to help keep you accountable through the holidays and, before you know it, you will be running AND moving more fluidly and efficiently. JUST in time for the Tybee Run Fest, leaving the competition wondering what you did since the Bridge Run to get better!

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Our “PR” Challenge will begin Saturday, December 14 and run (get it? "run") through January 25th, 2014. Six weeks of focused and intense training with one purpose in mind: to get you running better.  Instead of caving to slothful holiday behavior, you will be motivated and working toward improving your runs.  Call it stealth training if you wish, this is the real deal if you want to discover your potential.

This program is not a “how to” run program.  We won't hold your hand.  You will be expected to keep up your current running and add the drills and exercises we present weekly.  We will meet as a group on Saturdays and Tuesdays and you and your "buddy" will help each other stay accountable during the remainder of the week.

If you are serious about getting serious, you cannot miss this opportunity.  Regardless of whether you plan to run Tybee, participating in The PR Challenge will give you the building blocks of better running for the long run (yuck, yuck).  Spaces are limited so sign up now.  Do it early and get an “early bird special”.

Here are the details:

  • Early Bird Registration: November 14-November 29      $175.00
  • General Registration: November 30 - December 11         $189.00
  • FMS Screening: December 12, 13 (times TBA)
  • First Group Workout: Saturday, December 14, 7:30am SHARP
  • Group Workouts: Saturdays 7:30am and Tuesdays 6:30am (this is subject to change, based on consensus of group

To register now, click here (open the "events" tab).   Got questions?  Email Nancy ( or Jane (  Or, if you prefer, pick up the phone.  Talk to Jane at 912-247-9500 or Nancy at 912-441-4891.

There's always room for improvement :-).  Be Well!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today's Rants and Raves!!!

RANT:  The following is a "teaser" headline from a monthly trade publication's online newsletter, promoting the editorial.  Meaning, it was written by the editor of the publication, which I find horrifying.  I have added the italics.

"As more fitness professionals enter this industry and remain committed to excellence we will continue to up-level industry standards and have a greater impact on our clients and on the greater society."

Somebody enlighten me.  Are commas still included on contemporary computer keyboards?  My computers are a little over 5 years old, dinosaurs by modern standards. 

Has anyone heard of the word, "up-level?"

Am I naive to assume that possessing some writing acumen is a desirable qualification for a magazine editor?

                                    ---and now for something completely different---

RAVE:  I love my profession.  I encountered one of the members of the intermediate half marathon training program yesterday at the Savannah Rock And Roll race expo, and she hugged me tight and thanked me up and down for helping her prepare for the race.  Chills and goosebumps and gratitude, through and through. That is an event to be forever cherished.  When I was a marketing professional, none of my clients hugged me and loved all over me like that.  Not one. ;-) 

And so it came to pass that it was Friday before the Saturday marathon. And they did hydrate well, and rested their legs as marathoners ought do. And they did foam roll and stick with gentle passes over those rested legs which they had trained, tapered, and then rested so well. And they did consume much the same foodstuffs and beverages as they usually did on the Friday before a long Saturday run was upon them. And their fears were thus calmed, and they trusted their training, for their hardships were behind them, and the glory and the oh-so-holy-fun-fun-party-time-race-day was before them. 

And there was much rejoicing.

To the Renegade Posse, to the C.R.E.W.mates, to our friends with Savannah Stryders and Pacers and all the unaffiliated running-afflicted athletes in Savannah:  We running coaches salute your dedication, determination, and achievement. Really, you've already overachieved, even though the race awaits. 


Go forth and ROCK thine race.